The Coming of Generic Cialis in 2018: How to Save

The year 2018 will signal the beginning of generic alternatives to Cialis as well as Viagra which are the two leading erectile dysfunction drugs available. Cialis is approved as a form of treatment for erectile dysfunction as well as benign prostatic hyperplasia. Generic Viagra was launched In the month of December thus reducing the market price by up to 50% for each tablet.

This article will, therefore, show you all you need to know about the soon to be launched generic version as well as how you can keep costs down as you wait.

Generic Cialis

When will it be available?

After a dispute as regards the patent was settled back in the summer of 2017, Cialis is expected to be made available I form of a generic tadalafil in the early parts of September 2018. Before now, Cialis was meant to maintain its status as a brand only until the year 2020.

How widely known is Cialis?

On a number of platforms such as GoodRx, Cialis is presently the second most popular PDE5 inhibitor available which is the class of drugs which Levitra and Viagra belong. It is, however, the most popular among the drugs used in the treatment of issues of erectile dysfunction.

Has there been any price change of late?

There has been a slight increase In the price of Cialis recently. It should be stated that the price of Cialis is already quite expensive and owing to the fact that it is a brand without a generic version, it does not really have any competition. Just like quite a number of drugs, Cialis prices have continued to climb upwards in a slow manner. For instance, over the past 6 months or so, there has been an increase In the cash prices of Cialis from about $370 to $400.

What will be the cost of the generic?

Speaking on a general note, more often than not, generic drugs are known to first appear on the market at about 15% discount. However, unlike what is obtainable with the bran, generic prices of drugs usually reduce at a rather quick rate. Upon a year of release, a number of generic versions of the drugs usually become quite affordable this is especially so in the event that there is more than one company making it.

The price for Cialis 30mg tablets goes for about $400 while it is expected that the generic version will go for about $275 for the same drug prescription, therefore, saving you about $100. Also, generics have a higher chance of being covered by insurance, hence you may be able to enjoy lower pocket costs if you have insurance coverage. Also, you must understand that generic prices tend to go down at a rather quick rate with some of them dropping by up to 50% of the normal brand price

How to save before the generic comes out

There are a few things you can do before the generic comes out such as filling out a 90 day supply, splitting higher dosage pill as well as by making use of Cialis coupon.